1. Navigation
1. Out - how are you going to pilot your boat out of wherever it is?
2. Across - what is your adjusted course for the middle section?
3. In - how are you going to pilot your boat into the destination?
4. Mooring - what are your options? What is your Plan B?
2. Environment
1. Weather - what is the weather looking like on the day? Good to go?
2. Tides - which way are tides running when you wish to go?
3. The Boat
1. Adequate Food/Water/Clothing - esp. keep everyone hydrated
2. Crew Experience - who is your support? Do they know what to do?
3. Safety Equipment - do you have everything required?
4. Fuel - do you have sufficient fuel plus plenty of reserve?
5. Maintenance - how is your engine? Recently serviced?
6. Boat Paperwork/Documentation - in case Coast Guard shows interest.